“… the time has come. The time to write this book. We recently packed up our family home and moved into an apartment and, in the process, I found a bunch of my old diaries. When I was called to write this book in early 2021, I remembered those diaries and I knew they had to be unpacked and read. Turned out I started to write at ten years old and continued to do so often in fifteen years. In there were several books on… love.” Susanne Danig

“Thank you for this fine book, so brave, honest, vulnerable, touching, enlightening and loving.”



How are we conditioned as human beings?
What is it that forms us through our early years and makes us who we are?
How much do we bring into our own lives?
How much is impact from our families and how much is society’s influence?
Do we have a destiny we cannot escape?
Or can we decide to break with it in search of who we truly are?


We come to a point in our lives where we need to shift. Our conditioning cannot hold us back any longer. Something is no longer making sense. Something is challenging us to move beyond what we know to be true. Shifting can be hard. We have to re-program ourselves and that does not always look pretty. 


We go through life and we think we’ve got it. We have been growing, shifting, facing our periods of change. We got used to our habits, created a nice life for ourselves. But we may also have boxed ourselves in. And then suddenly we realize that there is more to life. It is calling us. And we break, or we allow ourselves to break, because we know there is no other way. We face the honest truth about ourselves, and it hurts. 


After breaking, we re-learn. We re-wire ourselves. And we do so by being daring. We commit to stand in the fire of our discomfort. Only by working through the discomfort and not slipping back to what we once knew and feel comfortable in, can we evolve and become a better version of ourselves. We may ask wiser people to mentor us and teach us the way, we may read wiser words, we may look deep inside and commit to our inner knowledge.


Being is a state of mind we can strive for. We can try to experience longer periods of our lives from a state of being. To connect to the energies and the unified field and experience the feeling of being expanded in the now.

“The book spoke to the deepest level in me. I recognized, cried, felt the longing and loneliness, and the wish to find my way home to myself.”

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